Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New purple tutu

I have just finished a new purple velvet tutu for a ten year old,

It was a joy to make as everything I tried worked first time and came out looking how I wanted it - this does not always happen.


  1. Hi is this mauve tutu still for sale. cant locate on ebay.

    Phone 0267924045

    Janine hedley


  2. Hi Dani, sorry I haven't got back to you. My email is not working so I am using your website. I am thinking the velvet would be ok. The first velvet on the left of the purple velvet pictures you sent, is that close to the colour of the fabric. I will ring you, just going out for Easter lunch. Happy easter and I will call you later. Thanks heaps

  3. Will await your call, just need chest, waist and hip measurements and girth (measure from one shoulder, through the crotch and back up to the same shoulder) cheers.
