I already have a couple of orders for next year, so will hopefully have some new photos to post soon. I spent hours yesterday trying to dye white lace royal blue for an order. Dylon dye used to work beautifully on nylon lace, but since they have changed from round tins to packets, it doesn't seem to work as well. In addition to that, the lace I am using around the edge of the top net layer has silver flowers woven into it, which I know from bitter experience go non-silver if the dye gets too hot. I now have 10 metres of royal blue lace with non-silver flowers and 10 metres of paler blue lace WITH silver flowers....obviously didn't learn well enough from my mistakes the last time I dyed lace like this!!
Here is a picture of a new traditional tutu I made recently, I dyed the top layers of net to give the shaded effect, then also added a couple of short scalloped layers of royal blue as well to give more depth to the colour. Gold lace is white lace spray-painted gold.