Thursday, May 9, 2013

And even more tutus! And other costumes too.

Here are a few more photos of recently completed orders. There are also a few new photos in he gallery of some costumes on their new owners.If I have the order right they are for Brinley C (lovely photo of her wearing it in the gallery),Emma B, Demi-character "the Frost Fairy" Ice skating dress for Alanna C, then tutus for Katerina P, Madison R. Shelby S and last but not least Karen M.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More tutus.

In fact its been so long since I posted here that I cant even remember how to make the photos centred! Anyway here are a few more. From top to bottom, Jaimie-Lee C 2013, Leonie F 2013, Annie J Queen of Hearts demi-character 2013, and Kallista T 2013

So long since my last post!!

I have been very busy for the last couple of months, but didn't realise it was so long since I had posted here. Tutus that Dance seminars were fabulous. I met some great new people and caught up with a couple of old friends. For more details and photos, check out the Tutus that dance blog As well as that I have been super busy making tutus and other costumes, here are some photos with lots more to come!! These from top to bottom are for Sophie V, Maryanne D, Lucinda S,Grace B, Hannah M, Emma P, Indi D, Georgia M (this tutu was made by my friend Sharon, I only decorated it) and Shanae H.