Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to making tutus!

After a very pleasant holiday in Vietnam, I am back to sewing furiously to get everything done before I go to LasVegas in August. Just finished this tutu for Claudia in Sydney
and just received this lovely photo of Madison in the bush near Mt Isa, thanks Joanne for sending it and photographer Carolina Gonzales for allowing me to post it here.
I also received this beautiful photo of one of my tutus in action at the McDonalds Sydney Eisteddfod, thanks again Helen and Claudia.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tutu Seminar Las Vegas

I am off to teach in Las Vegas again this year, please have a look at the new blog www.tutuseminar.blogspot.com

Monday, July 2, 2012

I am on Facebook!

In case anyone missed my earlier post, I am now on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TutusByDani

Success at Cairns Eisteddfod

Just received some lovely photos of some of my costumes on their talented owners from the Cairns Eisteddfod. Well done to Madison ( third in classical solo and HM in waltz tap....a great effort as she competed in under 13 and is only 7!) and to Bec who was awarded most promising dancer! I will post photos as soon as I can, can't do it from my iPad, but they are on the Facebook page. If any other clients of mine were there, please let me know......and I love getting photos!