Saturday, April 14, 2012

The smile says it all!

I finished this tutu and posted it Thursday. Holly received it yesterday and sent me this picture last night. Holly's mum has promised me a more formal photo when she is all dressed up for her next competition, but I couldn't resist posting this one now. I love my job!!

Finished tutus made by my students!!

Belinda and Debbie attended one of my courses earlier in the year and went home with almost finished tutus. The first round of Eisteddfods has just finished in Victoria and both sent me photos of their lovely daughters in their beautiful tutus. I think they both did a fantastic job and both Eloise (mauve and mint tutu) and Rachel (mauve and white tutu) look stunning. Gold star to both of you!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

And three more finished.

Here are a few more recently completed orders, one for Melbourne, one for NSW and one for Queensland. I am always nervous until I hear they have arrived safely, fit properly and are just what they wanted....or better!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tutu for sale

I have this beautiful mint green tutu, trimmed with gold and cream, for sale. It is brand new, the bodice is double lycra and intricately hand beaded, it also has a lovely matching tiara. Girls 10-12, $400. If interested email me at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And more!!

Making these two costumes felt a bit like making dolls clothes as Allegra (Tinkerbelle) and Charlotte (tutu) are only five and four years old.

I HAVE been a busy girl!

It's only when i start to put photos up here that I realise how many tutus I have made recently!