Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ballet tutu...stretch duo tutus

I made these earlier in the year for two girls in Perth for a classical duo.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ballet tiaras

I have made quite a few tiaras lately, some to go with tutus and some just to try some new designs. Here are some photos, kindly modeled by Annie Jones, any with white wire showing will be painted to match their owner's hair colour.

Sewing pattern for tutus


I still have spaces available for the two day tutu course on 7/8 January at my studio in Woodend, central Victoria.

I also have sewing patterns for classical ballet tutus in girls and Ladies sizes, and instructions.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wonderful results fromTutu making course

I have just spent two days with four lovely women from Ballarat and I am truly amazed at how much they accomplished. They all went home with made, tacked and partly decorated tutus and headdresses, I had a great time and hope they did too. They have promised me photos of the tutus when they are totally finished.
Well done to Beth, Michelle, Justine and Bri. Their daughters and students are very lucky.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tutu orders for 2012

I have already got orders for tutus for Madison, Isabelle, Grace, Ireland, Charlotte (Jodie's Charlotte), Hannah, Sophie and Indi although most have not finalised details yet. If I have missed anyone who has already been in contact, please remind me!!

Anyone else wanting tutus for the competitions held early in the year, please send me an email, cheers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tutu patterns for sale

I now have patterns printed up for Girls 8-10, Girls 10-12, Girls 12-15 and Ladies small. The patterns are for the paneled leotard I use as a tutu base that is marked with lines for sewing the top layer of net. The envelope gives information about widths and number of layers.

Patterns are $15 each, postage anywhere in Australia is $2.50, anywhere in the world is $6.50.

I have also written an instruction booklet that includes a bit about design and decoration as well as how to make the leotard, cut and sew on the net and tack the layers together. Booklets are $15 emailed or free if you order two or more patterns.
Email me for more details or to order.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tutu classes January 2012

I have finalized dates and classes will be running on the weekends of the 7/8 and 21/22 of January. I still have a couple of vacancies. They will be held in my sewing studio in Woodend (an hour out of Melbourne) and cost is $300 for the two days.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tutu making course January 2012

I still have places available fir a two day tutu making course to be held at my studio in Woodend, Victoria. Cost is $300 for two full days, email me for details.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hand painted neo-classical costume

Local ballet school had it's concert this weekend and i managed to get hold of this fabulous photo of Emily in one of the fourteen costumes I made for the "Winter" section of Vivaldi's Four Seasons.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nothing to do with tutus, but I love this photo

I took this today from my kitchen, he was right outside the door, screeching at me (why is there no seed in the bird feeder?) or at my three cats who were fascinated. Luckily the camera was handy. I really like cockatoos.

Odette tutu 2011

I posted this off this afternoon to Annika in Queensland. The brief was for an Odette tutu with lots of sparkle. I put a layer of white organza covered with silver glitter swirls underneath the top net layer. Should really twinkle under lights.

I have just received some lovely photos of Larran in her Dewdrop tutu, they are in the gallery...thank you Sandi and Larran for sending them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tutu maker

I often think what I would type into google if I was looking for someone to make a tutu. Then if this site doesn't show up I try to put in something that has this words in it....hence this post!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Learn to make a tutu, courses in January 2012.

I will be running a couple of two day tutu making courses over January, anyone interested please email me. Cost will be $300 for two days and in that time you should be able to make a tutu, learn a bit about decorating and make a basic tiara. I will provide lunch both days and my husband says he'll make endless cups of tea.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dewdrop tutu on it's new owner

Here is Larran in her tutu, I am always relieved when I know a tutu has arrived safely and fits! Her mum has promised me a photo with shoes at a later date, I think she looks beautiful and can't wait to hear reports of how it looks on stage under lights.

I have also just got some lovely "on stage" photos of tutus I have made, they are in the gallery. Thanks Dee for the lovely photos of Jemima.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Photos of my first Dewdrop tutu

Hopefully I will get some photos of Larran wearing it, but here are some pictures I took before I posted it.

I bought the embroidered organza at a terrific shop in Las Vegas called Heddy's, ( ) it has lots of clear sequins all over it and should sparkle beautifully under stage lights. I added a lot of extra sequins and diamanties as dewdrops are sparkly!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My first ever Dewdrop tutu

I must first explain to any American readers as to why I have never made a Dewdrop before! In Australia "Nutcracker" is just another ballet and is not performed every Christmas by everyone, also the versions I have seen here don't have Dewdrops or Candycanes.

Anyway I have nearly finished my first Dewdrop for Larran in Georgia and will post photos as soon as it is finished. I sent Larran some progress photos and received this email back.

Ms. Dani,

This is Larren. I am absolutely blown away! From what I've seen, the tutu will be GORGEOUS! It is more lovely than I could have imagined. I am in love with the tiara! I can't wait to see it in person. Thanks so much for sending pictures.

A Very Grateful Dew Drop

I LOVE my job!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Costumes from Mt Isa Queensland

Just received some lovely photos to add to the gallery of Madison and Katerina from Mt Isa, thanks Joanne and Jane.
On a sad note my footy team didn't win the Grand Final yesterday, but I went to my first ever Grand final and had a great time...GO PIES!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More photos of tutus in action

Thanks heaps to all the lovely mums who send me photos of their daughters wearing my tutus. I REALLY appreciate it!
Just added a couple more to the gallery, thanks Collie and Julie!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tutus for sale, a new website and Vegas news.

My friend Sue has some lovely tutus for sale on her blog, see the link in the side panel, Sewsue tutus.
Another friend I met at the Tutus that Dance seminars in Las Vegas has just started up a website. She makes STUNNING traditional tutus, check out the website for Kathleen's Tutu Atelier, link is to your left.

Had a great time in Las Vegas, met up with old friends and made some new ones. Here are a few of the tutus made in my stretch tutu class.

Suzanne also taught a "structured" headpiece class, here is what I made!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Photo of Ashleigh Cecchetti International Ballet Competition 2011

Here is Ashleigh on stage at Manchester looking beautiful.
Tutu has a stretch velvet bodice and overskirt with cream and burgundy (hand dyed as I couldn't find any) net. There is a layer of fine cream net with gold glitter swirls on it, under the top layer. Trim is beautiful bullion and embroidered edging from a vintage sari I was lucky enough to find on ebay, I bought it with nothing special in mind to make from it, just before Ashkeigh came enquiring about a tutu. I also sprinkled a good number if Swarovski crystals on it too.

Congratulations Ash and thanks for the photo.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Just heard the amazing news that Ashleigh McKimmie, wearing a tutu I made, has just won the Cecchetti International Ballet competition in Manchester UK. I am so excited and pleased!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Learn to make tutus!

In case anyone is interested, Suzanne Dieckmann from " Tutus that Dance" is running a tutu seminar in Las Vegas for the last two weeks in August. I went last year and had a great time, met some lovely people and learnt heaps. I am off again this year and I know she could squeeze in a couple more students. I will be there teaching how to make and decorate stretch tutus, also how to make beaded tiaras. Suzanne will be doing basic and advanced tutu building, as well as sections on design, men's tunics, shaping and tacking, shaoed fact everything you could want to know! For details check her website

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tutus in action.

I was able to go to a few comps over the school holidays and see quite a few of my costumes in action. I am hoping for lots of photos in the near future, just got a beautiful one of Milana in her new tutu which I have added to the gallery, thanks Natalie!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

June tutus and other costumes.

Comps started here a couple of days ago, so I have been working very hard to get everything finished. Here are some of the costumes I have just made, hopefully I will get photos of their new owners in them soon.
Didn't realise there were quite so many until I started uploading these!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lots of new tutus!

I have been very busy lately, here are a few of my latest efforts.