Sunday, July 31, 2011


Just heard the amazing news that Ashleigh McKimmie, wearing a tutu I made, has just won the Cecchetti International Ballet competition in Manchester UK. I am so excited and pleased!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Learn to make tutus!

In case anyone is interested, Suzanne Dieckmann from " Tutus that Dance" is running a tutu seminar in Las Vegas for the last two weeks in August. I went last year and had a great time, met some lovely people and learnt heaps. I am off again this year and I know she could squeeze in a couple more students. I will be there teaching how to make and decorate stretch tutus, also how to make beaded tiaras. Suzanne will be doing basic and advanced tutu building, as well as sections on design, men's tunics, shaping and tacking, shaoed fact everything you could want to know! For details check her website

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tutus in action.

I was able to go to a few comps over the school holidays and see quite a few of my costumes in action. I am hoping for lots of photos in the near future, just got a beautiful one of Milana in her new tutu which I have added to the gallery, thanks Natalie!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

June tutus and other costumes.

Comps started here a couple of days ago, so I have been working very hard to get everything finished. Here are some of the costumes I have just made, hopefully I will get photos of their new owners in them soon.
Didn't realise there were quite so many until I started uploading these!!